A man in a white lab coat looks into a microscope.

HJFMRI in Nigeria

HJFMRI Ltd/Gte in Nigeria works with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research-Africa to collaborate with governmental, medical, and scientific institutions to strengthen defenses against infectious diseases within Nigeria and the greater West African region. Based out of Abuja, the program works closely with the Nigerian Ministries of Defence and Health to implement HIV prevention, care, and treatment through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). HJFMRI also supports malaria diagnostic capacity through the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). HJFMRI supports research partners' missions to guard against regional epidemics and build research capabilities through participation in clinical trials, data analysis, and biosurveillance activities.  

HJFMRI Nigeria Researcher

Clinical Research

HJFMRI supports the Clinical Research Centre (CRC) in Abuja, Nigeria, a regional leader in clinical research, especially vaccine trials. The CRC helps develop countermeasures against infectious disease threats of public health importance ranging from HIV to Lassa fever and, most recently, mpox. This partnership also provides a conducive environment for the training of future generations of scientists.  

Malaria Research Nigeria


HJMFRI in Nigeria and partners support the President’s Malaria Initiative to substantially to reduce the malaria burden in Africa. With PMI funding, the Nigerian Ministry of Defence and U.S. DOD is building capacity for malaria diagnosis, supporting three malaria training centers in Lagos, Abuja and Kaduna.  



Since 2005, HJFMRI has provided PEPFAR-funded HIV prevention, care, and treatment interventions in Nigeria alongside WRAIR and local governments and organizations. Implementation focuses on military and civilian populations in Nigerian Ministry of Defence health facilities and barrack communities through community and clinical services.